11 September 2012

Dear You,


So this is the last week for both of us. I saw so many movies last week. We surely must have had some overlap. Let’s discuss. Should we Skype, email, text, or blow it off?

Once, because my mind is jingled and open, I thought that I had an idea so great that the light was getting stronger just because the clarity or intensity of its presence. That was just my first time experiencing how a halogen light blub worked.  True story. 

                                     That was a fun night. Lets face it: we are simpletons.

So these are the photos Aunt Tat sent me last week. That’s our Great Aunt outside with her “pretty, spirited” and “very bright” persona. It’s true. You were named after her but I have the photos. Huh.  

  It would have been pretty cool to know her. She gets to be a mystery. Except for her astral projection that visited me while I was with my energy friend. And also my jeweler-friend while napping. Did you have one too? Tell me again. 

It felt real but not like real-real as if I couldn't tell it was special.

              And the ring. Magically soldered back together like something from Tolkien. 

                                                                 How radical was that story?  

                                                   Here is the chair where that took place. 


                                       The vision wanted to do this. And this, this. And this.

                                                              All the regular things.
                                                              So that's what we do.