19 September 2012

Los Angeles 19

I read about a renovation so complete it included:

Turning bricks around on an old building.

Have you heard of such a thing?
Breathe out breathe in fast.
It is fairly unsettling, I know.

This is the thing I’ve owned the longest.
My dad gave it to me when I was 8.

I saw it on the ground recently when I was at the car wash.
Which means that if I hadn’t glanced down I would never have
known where I lost it.

That is a bittersweet feeling but mostly sweet.
Am I losing it? My short term memory is for shit.
At a red light I pulled it out of my purse so that I wouldn't bring it through a metal detector.

A few days ago I was at the movies and I walked around
after and ended up in a mall store that sells puppies for a thousand dollars.
They were playing. In a plexiglass cube.

I don't have to tell you that is a bittersweet feeling but heavy on the bitter.
Oh those poor little idiots.